Middle School

Middle School Curriculum

Year 9

Year 9 is an important year for all students – it is a year when students can begin to make choices regarding subjects and pathway programs.

As they enter this next phase of their school life, students will be expected to take greater responsibility for their own learning.  The subject offerings will provide opportunities for students to explore areas of interest, and possibly provide some background for subject selection in later years.  In addition, students will undertake the core subjects of:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Health & PE
  • Pathway to Success Program (P2S Program)

We believe that we have designed a structure for Year 9 students that enables students to:

  • access enrichment programs in Maths, STEM, English and Sports. These exciting programs will provide students with exposure to further educational experiences and the opportunity to work with like-minded peers.
  • experience opportunities outside the classroom as well as develop lifelong skills
  • think about future career pathways
  • develop a broad sense of community and contribute to community groups
  • participate in a camp which will focus on teamwork, resilience and self-reliance skills
Year 9 – Core Subjects
Semester 1
Elective 1
Elective 3
Elective 5
Semester 2
Elective 2
Elective 4
Elective 6
Total Periods
9 per cycle
9 per cycle
6 per cycle
6 per cycle
5 per cycle
5 per cycle
5 per cycle
5 per cycle

Year 10

Year 10 is a very important year for students – it is a year when students make choices that will impact their futures.

Over the years, students have attended Cranbourne East Secondary College and participated in many activities designed to make them think about future career pathways and prospects.  This has occurred in P2S as well as other subjects.

As they enter the next phase of their school life, students will be expected to take greater responsibility for their learning.  Year 10 students’ programs at CESC consist of a range of core and pathway (elective) subjects with 80% of a student’s program being students’ choice. The pathway offerings will provide opportunities for students to explore areas of interest and possibly give some background for subject selection in later years.

We believe that we have designed a structure for Year 10 students that achieves many things. Students will:

  • have access to VCE or VCE-Vocational Major, Unit 1 and 2 subjects.
  • have access to VET courses
  • have access to enrichment programs in STEM or Sports Pathway. These exciting programs will provide students with exposure to further educational experiences and the opportunity to work with like-minded peers
  • have access to three levels of English and Mathematics classes to best meet the needs of individual students
  • be able to access a comprehensive Year 10 course with a range of pathway studies

These options will lead students to further study at Cranbourne East Secondary College in Year 11 and 12.

Year 10 – Core subjects Student Choice

Full Year



Accelerated Subjects (Select Entry)

  • Sports Pathways Program
  • STEM
  • VCE Unit 1 & 2
  • VCE VM Unit 1 & 2
  • VET Full Certificates

**  Students are invited to select these programs based on academic achievement

Semester Long

Unit 1 – VCE Industry and Enterprise
Humanities Electives
Science Electives

Pathways Electives:

  • English
  • Heath & PE
  • Humanities
  • Performing Art
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Visual Arts
  • VET

Total Periods Per cycle

10 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods
10 Periods

VCE & VCE – Vocational Major

Completing a VCE or VCE-VM subject in Year 10 is a way for students to get an understanding of what VCE or VCE-VM studies are really like.

Studying a VCE or VCE-VM subject in Year 10 helps to develop students’:

  • Time management skills.
  • Independent learning skills needed for VCE success.
  • Ability to cope with exams and school assessed coursework.
  • Interests in a particular area.
  • Become familiar with assessment system, marking and expectations of a VCE or VCE (VM) subjects
  • Allows completion of an extra Unit 3 & 4 subject which may count towards a student’s ATAR score

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Programs assist students to make the transition to further education, training, and employment.  Vocational Educations and Training in Schools (VETiS) programs refer to TAFE level courses that give students the opportunity to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification whilst attending secondary school.

These programs are designed so that students can develop general work-related competencies and the skills and knowledge they will require through:

  • Enabling students to gain their VCE/VCE-Vocational Major and a VET qualification
  • Gaining qualifications in a recognised TAFE Certificate course at a Certificate II or III level
  • Promoting an awareness of the world of work through work placement
  • Developing skills in communication, teamwork, using technology, problem-solving, using mathematical ideas, and concepts, planning, and organising activities, gathering, and analysing information and occupational health and safety
  • Developing the skills and knowledge required to work in an industry.
  • Giving students a competitive edge in looking for both casual and full-time employment
  • Providing a qualification that can lead to further study including further TAFE studies and university.

Not all students will be eligible to complete a VCE or VCE-Vocational Major subject in Year 10.  Enrolment will be offered to students based on:

  • Specific academic data including but not limited to.
    • PAT
    • NAPLAN
    • CAT data
    • Pre and Post-tests data
    • Teacher judgements
    • Reports
  • As well as evidence of
    • Positive learning behaviours
    • Positive Attendance records

Identified students will also be invited to attend a parent/student information session and may be required to undertake one or both of the following.

  • entrance test (if required)
  • interview

Students who do not meet the criteria for VCE, VCE-Vocational Major or VET in Year 10 will still be able to enroll in the same subject in Year 11.

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