Junior School

Junior School Curriculum

Year 7

At Cranbourne East Secondary College we strive to make each student’s transition from Primary School to Secondary School a positive experience. We achieve this through a supportive Orientation Program provided for Year 7 students, at the beginning of their first year at the College. There are various programs offered to provide ongoing support for students throughout each school year.

As many students enter secondary school, they experience some concerns about making friends in their new environment. To alleviate these concerns, we offer a camp early in the year to support each Year 7 student in making good connections with others. This includes building relationships with both their peers and with school staff. Such relationships are significant in maintaining each students’ wellbeing. Extra-curricular activities, such as team sports, are also offered to students from Term 1. 

The curriculum in the Junior School is a broad and comprehensive academic program based on the Victorian Curriculum F–10. It is structured to ensure students are exposed to a wide range of subjects and have the opportunity to sample every subject we offer at entry level. The College runs on a 10 day timetable.

Year 8

At Cranbourne East Secondary College, Year 8 students are provided with opportunities to consolidate on their first year of secondary schooling. For example, our Learning for Success Program, commenced in Year 7, continues into Year 8. This program is essential in delivering ongoing support for students throughout the school year.

Our Year 8 students also benefit from several in-school programs and presentations. A significant highlight is the Year 8 Health and Wellbeing Day. Along with other programs, the Year 8 Health and Wellbeing Day allows our students to extend their knowledge and skills and to gain greater confidence in progressing further with their studies.

Year 7 & 8 Curriculum at a glance

Semester 1 & 2:

  • English (9 periods)
  • Maths (9 periods)
  • Science & Digital Technology (7 periods)
  • Humanities (6 periods)
  • Health & Physical Education (6 periods)
  • Language – Mandarin (3 periods)
  • Learning for Success – Pastoral Care (2 periods)

Semester 1:

  • Performance (Drama) (4 periods)
  • Product Design (4 periods)

Semester 2:

  • Visual Arts (4 periods)
  • Food Technology (4 periods)

Semester 1 & 2:

  • English (9 periods)
  • Maths (9 periods)
  • Science & Digital Technology (7 periods)
  • Humanities (6 periods)
  • Health & Physical Education (6 periods)
  • Language – Mandarin (3 periods)
  • Learning for Success – Pastoral Care (2 periods)

Semester 1:

  • Music (4 periods)
  • Technology (4 periods)

Semester 2:

  • Media (4 periods)
  • Textiles (4 periods)
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