Student Leadership

At CESC Student Voice members act as positive role models for all students at CESC and as ambassadors for the College in the wider community. Projects include the Breakfast Club, Free Dress Day fundraisers, Year Level and special occasion assemblies, and Home Group-based activities across the school. 

The student leadership team at CESC consists of:

  • School Captains/Vice Captains
  • House Captains
  • Student Representative Council (SRC)
  • Class Captains

2023 Student Leaders


Every term we have a whole school assembly. These assemblies are run by our Student year level leaders and school captains. These assemblies focus on our student’s accomplishments and successes. All parents and members of the school community are invited to be part of our assemblies to support and celebrate our students’ accomplishments. I look forward to meeting many of you in person and please do not hesitate to contact me via email should you require any information about Student Voice and Leadership at CESC.

Student Voice Events

Harmony Day: Each year CESC celebrates Harmony Day. This day consists of an assembly that features various cultural dances from our diverse student community.   This assembly is coupled with a cultural/free dress day.

SRC barbeques: The SRC organises and runs barbeques for the students to support events on campus like open mic days.

Being a school captain is a great opportunity to be a leader and role model to students in our school. School captains represent our school at external events and take part in planning internal events such as assemblies. This year we have a very diverse group of captains from different backgrounds and with different interests and talents. However, one thing that they have shown that they have in common is the commitment, passion and enthusiasm to improve the school and make it the best place it can be for students today and in the future.

Congratulations to all of the students that nominated themselves and to all the staff and students that took part in the election process.

At CESC we have a house system that consists of 5 Houses: Chisholm, Parkes, Deakin, Florey and Gilmore. The house culture shines through at events such as the swimming sports and athletics day. There is a strong house spirit at CESC and these days in particular bring out an array of colour and costumes. Being a house captain means leading your house and building the house spirit.

The SRC is a student run and governed body that addresses the needs, interests and concerns of the students. To help establish this body all school captains will play a role on the SRC executive.

The SRC meets on a weekly basis on a Thursday during lunch. Students meet to discuss any suggestions and projects that they would like to take part in. The SRC is made up of school leaders and is open to all students.

The SRC has minutes from all the discussions and liaises with the school leadership through the SRC facilitator. SRC elected representatives communicate with their respective year level and represent their year level interests on the council.

The elected Year Level Leaders form part of the executive for the SRC.

Part of implementing the SRC was the addition of new student leadership roles called Student Year Level Leaders. Student Year Level Leaders represent their year levels on the SRC and liaise between the students and the SRC. This ensures that all students are represented on the SRC and to increase the number of students developing their leadership and mentoring skills.

To select our Student Year Level Leaders, each year level took part in an online student election, voting for nominees from their respective year level. 

This year, the interest and participation in the nomination and election process was outstanding. There were over 41 applications received for these new positions with students showing a real interest in being part of starting something new that is aimed at increasing student agency, voice and governance. Nominees were active in promoting themselves and teachers played an enormous role in encouraging students to nominate themselves and to take part in this democratic process.

Forming part of the student leadership class captains are chosen for each class. These students are responsible for leading their class and home room duties.

Leadership Programs

Highresolves program – students take part in three workshops throughout the year. These workshops focus on leadership and citizenship building. Students learn skills that have real world implication and focus on topics such as identity and purpose, a just society, social progress and a better self. Students build on these skills throughout the year through their leadership work in their year level, school and/or community.

Videos for change campaign – This is an international campaign where students are encouraged to think about an issue that they are passionate about to create a 1 minute video that raises awareness and directs people where to go if they would like to help.

The videos are submitted into a national competition and the winning videos across all age groups will be shown on channel 10’s The Project. The campaign is about giving students a space and an avenue through which they can have their voice heard, while gaining new skills in leadership, teamwork and video making.

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