School Production

The College Production is an annual event which features actors, singers, dancers and back stage crew from Year 7 through to Year 12. All students are invited to be a part of our college productions. It gives students the opportunity to develop their performance skills outside the classroom and connect with like-minded students outside their home group and year level.

Benefits of getting involved:

  1. Enhanced Creativity: Being part of a school musical allows students to explore their creative side. They can develop their acting, singing, and dancing skills, fostering their creativity and self-expression.
  2. Improved Confidence: Performing in front of an audience can boost self-confidence. The experience of overcoming stage fright and receiving positive feedback can help individuals become more self-assured.
  3. Teamwork Skills: Musical productions involve a large cast and crew, promoting teamwork and cooperation. Participants learn to collaborate, depend on one another, and appreciate the importance of their individual roles in the success of the performance.
  4. Time Management: Balancing schoolwork with rehearsals and performances teaches valuable time management skills. Students must learn how to prioritize tasks and manage their schedules effectively.
  5. Communication Skills: Through memorisation, public speaking, and interpreting scripts, students can improve their communication skills. They learn how to convey emotions and messages effectively to an audience.
  6. Long-lasting Friendships: The bonds formed during musical productions can lead to lasting friendships. The shared experiences, challenges, and successes create strong connections with fellow cast and crew members. Participating in a school musical not only offers the chance to develop artistic talents but also provides a holistic learning experience that can positively impact various aspects of a student’s life

2024 Production.....

Production 2024

On the front steps of East High, it’s the first day after winter break. The Jocks, Brainiacs, Thespians and Skater Dudes find their cliques, recount their vacations, and look forward to the new year. In Ms. Darbus’ homeroom, basketball team captain Troy discovers that Gabriella, a girl he met singing karaoke on his ski trip, has just enrolled at East High!

Show Dates:

  • Thursday 22nd August
  • Friday 23rd August
  • Saturday 24th August

Previous Productions

  • 2023 – Shrek
  • 2022 – Matilda
  • 2019 – We Will Rock You
  • 2018 – Legally Blonde
  • 2017 – Little Shop of Horrors
  • 2016 – Grease
  • 2015 – Hairspray
  • 2014 – Alice in Wonderland
  • 2013 – The Wizard of Oz
  • 2012 – Beauty and The Beast
  • 2011 – Aladdin
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